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Army Rebate

Money-saving Army Relocation Service  (MARS)


Kyle Graham is in an association of residential real estate firms in the Greater Austin area who give active duty Army personnel, retired Army personnel, members of the Army reserve and Army national guard, individuals recently discharged from active Army duty, and members of the Association of the United States Army a One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) rebate at closing for either the purchase or the sale of a home.



Relocation Service of West Point Association of Graduates


Kyle Graham has been a participating Realtor in the West Point Association of Graduates Relocation Program since its inception. This Relocation Service offers a Cash Back Rebate to graduates of West Point who use a participating Realtor. By identifying yourself as a West Point graduate upon listing with Graham Central Properties to either buy or sell a property, Kyle will give a Cash Back Rebate of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) at closing. 



Telephone is (512) 452-2000 for office and (512) 656-7111 for cell.

© 2020 by Graham Central Properties 

Real Estates Sales & Leasing                                                                                                                                                      Tel:  512-452-2000

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